Thursday, October 2, 2008

More than my share

I've been sitting here staring at the computer because I have something to say, and I wanted to try and be all eloquent and stuff.  But the eloquence is eluding me, so I'll just out with it.  I am so thankful to everyone who has been my friend and for all of you who have taken such good care of me lately.  I've never had a very good circle of solid friends before; I don't trust people and usually assume everyone really hates me.  But since we have lived here, and since I have reached real adulthood, my friendships have grown into something completely foreign to me:  REAL.  This includes church acquaintances all the way to my relationship with my sister Ashley.  It's so odd for me to be surrounded by people who seem to actually - GULP - like me.  I don't usually do well with accepting help from people, and when I had three simultaneous miscarriages three years ago, I would actually be angry when anyone found out about it or tried to offer any kind of condolence or service.  But I am now truly humbled by all the care I've been shown and service I have been given.  I have a hard time reaching out to others - either to offer or receive service - and I am so very grateful to everyone for all they do.  From my "Welcome, Baby" dinner a few weeks ago, to daily talks with Ashley and her loyalty to me, to Marianne kidnapping and treating me to a pedicure, to Missy making my blog awesome, to Sarah giving me a much-needed massage, to Betsy calling and offering to take the kids, to Erica escorting me to Austin, and Mary Ann's oft-impromptu babysitting, etc. etc. etc.  (And anyone who has listened to my incessant whining the past eight months.)  There are so many more examples I could include if I had a full-working brain right now.  But rest-assured you aren't forgotten and I love you all so much.  I wish I knew what I could do to offer more to all of you and make me more worth your time!  


Jenny said...

What a sweet post! I've felt the same way for many years, and it's so amazing to see how many people care. But seriously, Kelli, you are so hilarious that it's easy to care about you!

Erica said...

Okay, thanks for making a grown woman cry. What a sweet post! You are an easy person to like, and I am so glad that our lives have intersected once again. Anything you need!

Ashley said...

We love you Kel.