Thursday, February 26, 2009

For the little girl in all of you...

What I wouldn't give to go back in time for one day and play Barbies with my sister.  Oh, and this post on Go Fug Yourself pretty  much sums up my Barbie-playing as a kid.  It's completely hilarious.


Sarah Young said...

Hahaha! That's hilarious!

Shannon said...

Ok, so i had to look through all of those barbies, and we totally had some of them! The one "golden goddess" and the hair one, and the one with the brooch. I LOVE barbies, and so does Nat! And oh man, the drama they had. Plus I probably played with them way too long...

Ashley said...

I have to say I was so jealous of all the awesome Barbies and Barbie gear you and Amy had. The year y'all got the McDonald's almost crushed me!